Welcome New Executive Director
Lisa and Jennifer at Jennifer’s home dedication
Earlier this summer Steuben County Habitat for Humanity said goodbye to Lisa Carracci who had served as our Executive Director for close to 7 years. Lisa’s contributions helped grow our capacity as a Habitat affiliate and helped grow our connection with the broader Habitat world, both statewide and with Habitat International. She made great strides in policy writing, especially in board development, a topic that she has presented on at statewide conferences as well as international Habitat conferences, in Atlanta. We thank Lisa for her years of service, leadership, and continued support for Habitat moving forward.
Steven with Gwen and her grandson at Gwen’s home dedication
We are happy to announce that Steven Daniels has stepped into the role of Executive Director in Lisa’s place. Daniels got his start working for Steuben County Habitat for Humanity in the ReStore in 2015. At the ReStore, he worked in our donation center processing donations. A few years later Steve was promoted to volunteer coordinator and Family Services representative. Through all this, Steve applied for and qualified for a Habitat home, and in July of 2018 became a Habitat homeowner. Having walked through this process himself Steve is in a Unique situation to serve our partner families as they navigate the process. Daniels also spent a few years as Habitat’s finance administrator. In his tenure with habitat, he has attended many international trainings and certifications through Habitat and elsewhere. All of this experience set him up well for his new role leading our organization moving forward. We welcome Steve into this new role and this next step in his journey with Habitat.
Habitat staff and board members outside Stevens home after the dedication in 2018